Quoted By:
>be me
>be 11
>win pic related at state fair
>keep in corner of room
>two nights later its next to my bed
>freak out
>put back in corner
>next night wake up its next to my bed
>freak out
>parents don't belive me
>deflate and throw in closet
>two nights pass
>phew it's over with
>next night wake up
>it's next to my bed
>freak out again
>parents still dont belive
>place him back in corner
>rig fishing line 6 inches from floor with fishing bells on either end
>sleep with mini baseball bat under the covers
>wake up to bells ringing and a loud thud against my dresser
>see dark figure in room
>unleash the fury and attack
>parents come rushing in and flick on the lights
>see me raining down blows with mini bat on my 13 year old brother
>they break it up
>he ended up with a bloody lip, swollen cheekbone and a few knots on his head