>>1120632Those J class yachts are unreal. They're absolutely gorgeous and they're pretty fast for how staggeringly huge they are.
I was just a grinder on race day and did what the mainsheet trimmer told me, but because of how the wind was that day we ended up flying a fucking gollywobbler for most of it, and that was the craziest rig I've ever seen. We fucking flew that day; the guy who owns it is from Maryland and is used to giant sail areas because he grew up on log canoes like in my pic. Ask around your club if anyone wants crew for a race, even on a double-hander or a small keelboat.
The other thing about racing -- or anything -- on big boats is you party almost immediately after you hit dock. And holy shit do you party. I did Sail Boston on that same schooner earlier this year and I partied pretty much all weekend I was there. It was insane.