>>890203>>890205Amazon - buy freeze dried food, or dehydrated food, or just go to a grocery store and buy stuff like trail mix, cous cous, and other quick meals.
I personally go to Big Lots and get these Tandori heat N eat meals. Yes they weigh more because they have liquid but on a bike it's not that big a deal and you needed water to rehydrate a meal anyways. I just can't "drink" my heat n eats if im dying of thirst. I add cous cous / instant brown rice / clear bean noodles and i bring a weekly pill container filled with different spices.
Amazon - I use Avenir panniers. They were cheap, I own four and have loaded them up, hung them from trees, beat them on rocks and never had a tear. To make them waterproof I use a ForceFlex trash bag inside each one. I use lots of plastic bags as scent barriers and to compartmentalize because bags are light and reusable.