>>911891These are good for Florida Pompano and spot/croaker.
Anybody do big game stuff offshore? I need to know because I just got access to a boat...and it's filthy. No idea how to clean the bilge but it needs it badly. The batteries turn over and engine works and most electrical stuff works but there's green shit in some metal parts. There's mold underneath on the cushions and shit. There's broken stuff everywhere. And there's lights that don't work and the toilet smells horrible and only works half the time.
My idea was grab a buddy or two and a shit-ton of bleach, windex, sand paper, bilge cleaner, dish soap, and start going to town. Anything I'm missing? Dust masks for the mold? Power washer? I'm clueless.
Oh, and it's drydocked. Can't pump bilge residue in water and no hose nearby on drydock...and no idea how to pump the toilet tank clean.
Anybody /bo/at here?