>>2764506More of a complaint. For context, I'm a white, 6 foot hairy man who looks literally like an unkemot caveman. I wear black hiking pants or black jeans, black leather boots and a black fleece or shell coat most of the time with a black and orange backpack. Didn't really plan that I just happen to find black looks clean longer and I don't need to think about colors.
>go to grocery store "Hi sir, where can I find refried beans"
>go to Costco "Excuse me sir where are the patio sets"
>today in the woods I saw 7 groups of people and three of them had questions for me
"Do you know what kind of mushroom this is?"
"Are there any more open areas, the forest is really dark"
"Do you know if there are bears in the area"
What the fuck to I do bros I go to the woods to be alone and my wife thinks its hilarious. I'm nice to everyone and don't want to be mean but fuck me I shouldn't look approachable. What do I do?