>>416248With my volvo I pretty much just removed as much crap as possible to get an idea what i had to work with. Taking the rear seat bases out and folding the back down gave me just enough room to stretch out on a flat surface, but you'll have to fuck about with yours and see what you get.
I then got a piece of "hard as I could get for cheap" foam ordered to line the back, a couple inches thick.
That was pretty much the basics of it. After that it was all about making little curtains to privacy it off a bit, and figuring out where to store stuff, and adding lights here and there.
Give it a try, it's cheap and a lot of fun. Don't be tempted to take too much, keep everything essential and easy to find. If you find a way to sit up in the back of the thing that'll make life a LOT nicer for you.
Oh... And the cheapo tarp in the pic was awesome, well worth doing.