>>1393959>>1393934Wild animals that attack humans unprovoked need to be put down. If that buck had attacked a child, or someone ill suited to defend against it, the buck would have fucked them up if they'd tried to defend against it. You have to think about that. I certainly wouldn't have allowed the buck to leave after being attacked
It is different if you are the one antagonizing an animal in some manner. The animal most likely will never harm a human unprovoked. In this situation it is a bit sad, the human is unintentionally provoking the animal, but only because signals of some sort are being confused with the rutting buck. It could be the colors he is wearing, a cologne he has on, the sound of his voice, a combination, who knows. Even facing the deer and putting out your hands, like he did, can trigger the attack since that posture is very similar to another buck lowering its head for a charge. Other people have been seriously gored in this same situation.
I had a small herd of deer run up to me once when I was wearing a white shirt and khaki pants. The clothing coloration and positioning was similar to a deer's tail up and running away. Which is something the deer saw and ran towards because it meant to them that I was a fleeing deer running from something in the other direction. They got within 10 feet of me before realizing their mistake and scattering.
The only solace you can get from the video in the OP is that 1, rutting season will be over soon and it will most likely not encounter another person in a similar manner. 2, the "human buck" won and it had to leave in defeat, lower its status. 3, someone who might be attacked may simply run away instead of lowering themselves and opening their hands to take and deal with a possible attack (which looks like another buck's antlers lowering for an attack on the buck).
The laws of nature flow chart,
Will it eat me? (If "no" see next,)
Can I eat it? (If "no" see next,)
Can I fuck it? (no...)
Is it a rival?