>>1220838It's going to be even worse since they just rolled back most of Dodd-Frank, all in the act of 'saving money from having to prove compliance' and 'small banks need love too'. The next bubble is going to be even worse because we didn't even deal with the previous one.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/senate-passes-rollback-of-post-financial-crisis-banking-rules/2018/03/14/43837aae-27bd-11e8-b79d-f3d931db7f68_story.html?pwa=trueFrom the thread, some /biz/nessmen give their opinions:
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S8350812#p8351412Consensus seems to be buy within a few months before the mad rush to take advantage of the cheap credit and the resulting raise of prices or wait 3-4 years.
I don't know if this is malevolence or just stupidity. Knowing our government, it's probably both.
for the memes,