Thanks for the tips guys.
>>598119I know several people that have a reasonable amount of money saved away (nothing substantial though). I was discussing with them about how much money one really needs to survive. Anyway, the conversation veered off into eco-villages and self sufficient farmsteads.
What we collectively agreed upon is that medical-care is probably the main thing that one needs from the 'outside world'.
I've personally experimented with many hydroponic systems for growing vegetables, and have experimented with growing mushrooms (blue and pink oyster).
The plan is to collectively put away a certain amount of money into the bank that would cover the medical expenses for the group, should anything go wrong. Also, things break down so a little extra would need to be drawn now and then.
In terms of finances, say for 10 people, what amount of money would be satisfactory in a bank to ease these concerns. Are there any large expenses I'm not aware of?
So to summarize, the goal is to live a simple life, but having the insurance to cover unfortunate situations (health, failed crops, damaged property etc).
>>598213The environment I would like to grow in is Mediterranean (slightly expensive), but semi-desert (very cheap) is also an option. In terms of these land types, what would be the land requirements for say, 10 people?
Here's an interesting related vid: