>>1797681Ya, all those "high quality" compost fags are using ferts as an input to wow the minions. Shit don't get like that from kitchen scraps and wood chips, I promise. O n steer clear of manure in volume. Straight superhighway to saline city. That said, I usually use a dose of ckickenshit once early in the season (late Nov/early Dec) to kickstart the festivities.
>able to not die but also havent grown even slightlyYears ago when noob gardenerfag I went the whole season with a few maters all just chuggin along like miss daisy was in the back seat. Nary a fruit 8[ Got the 5wattt bulb above the head moment the next year, eased into a nute regimen and guess wat? Lo n behold couldn't eat those fuggers quick enough!
>>1797632>dirty jooooooosFear the self-reliant, the problem solvers, the decision makers...
>>1797834Might wanna look that one up. I vaguely remember hearing it not being as hot as other manures, but not sure it can leapfrog a turn in the pile.