>>1644492>"g-get out, t-tranny"You're the human equivalent of apes flinging their own shit at whatever is intimidating them. Just admit that struggling for the sake of struggling doesn't make you better or something, it just makes you a fucking retard.
All the great civilizations who are renown for their intellectual and architectural achievements -- Sumerians, Indians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs... -- all lived in warm countries. Nords have endurance and work ethics, but that's about it, their intellect is on par with Sub-Saharan Africans. Have Nords built anything on par with the ziggurats, pyramids, the coliseum? No, you just lived in shitty huts, just like nignogs. Vikings and nogs just pillage, rape and destroy, they're incapable of creating. The few intelligent minds are smothered by the retarded masses.
Nowadays you're doing fine, but that's merely because people who lived in warmer countries had already done all of the work for you. Maybe Nordic countries are importing niggies en masse because you feel nostalgia for that lifestyle.