Before getting into the woods, check the general areas you want to consider hunting on google earth with TOPO maps. Pick specific coords within those areas you really want to evaluate. For instance if I see there is a valley between two hills that funnels down towards a stream, I want to explore it because wildlife will use it to travel more than other locations. Also at this point consider how far you are willing to carry out your game if you are successful, and figure out the distance between the spot and where you can legally park. I limit myself to 2 mi for deer, but if we are talking small game its more like 5 mi for me.
Next you need to get into the woods, if low budget use the GPS on your phone; but if you willing to spend money, I would recommend a garmin GPSMAP 64SC with an onX card for your state. The onX is nice because it has 24k topo maps and shows you boundaries public land, and private land (with landowner names listed). The garmin model I mentioned is nice because it will take AA batteries (rechargeables suck if you are deep in the woods for a few days or if the temps get too low), and it has a camera that automatically GPS tags the pictures. I use it when scouting, when I find deer sign (bedding, shit, trails, scrapes, actually see the fucking animal) I take a picture so when I go home and plug my GPS into the computer I have a map with my pictures marking locations of interest. I generally go into a hunting season with a couple good spots to choose from.
pic related ended up being my primary spot this year.