>>839595emt scissors
small forceps
several rolls of sterile gauze (i keep a bunch more in my pack.
2oz of iodine
Amonia inhalant like 3 or 4 packs
one roll of elatic wrap. one large roll of self adhesive tape (sports tape)
boo boo kit asorted bandaids and stuff
burn gel x4
dramamine, allergies
500mg paracetamol
anti diarrhea
soft! laxatives
anti acids
oscillococcinum (hoodoo)
2 or 3 oz of eye wash in those awesome ampoules? whatever they are called.
a sharpie
eye lubricant
1 or 3 condoms.
some of those press thermometers
a bunch of katadin tablets
3 or 4 wet fire tinder
a lighter
alcohol swabs.
the bag is an admin pouch with molle webbing and a bunch of velcro up front. its made by condor and i bought it at a surplus place because its way better than those square big ass fak pouches, bought the latch separately and it came with a dry bag for a map