>>1365677hey my nigga,
>I'm single and everyone around me is datingdude dude dude bro, if you're under 40, don't worry about that :) just dress in nice clothes (reasonably tidy and fashionable or some kind of cohesive style, not virgin-hobo-chique) get a haircut (or grow it super long), shave/style your neckbeard, which reminds me, i need to shave mine but I'm already drunk so that's probably a bad idea. Also, work out, then GO OUT. if you do this and go out enough times, girls will approach you. do things you like and you will meet people who like YOU. the only way to not get some is to not try. being honest is the most important part, if you;re nervous maybe say "hey i'm nervous but i wanted to talk" or something, tell people what's going on for you in the moment.
take some advice from good looking loser, google that shit, his AA program was blowing my fucking mind right before that blackmail shit happened. note- i wasn't trying to fuck random girls, i just didn't want to be an anxious mess anymore. but the actions of that bitch i was living with had a huge knock-on effect, she ruined my life and I'm only now getting back on track.
Save this info to your desktop and read it every day. i once got out of depression for a year or two and that was key: the helpful info right in front of your eyes. i have a notice board above my monitor with things written on it like "go to sleep before 10pm" and "do things" and "listen to your gut" and "focus" and "get perspective".
Try to make things better and keep going no matter what.
drunk ramble over.