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C&Rsenal is about as unbiased as a jewtuber can be, considering there's no money in shilling 100 year old shitsticks that only broke autists and boomers that don't know how to use youtube would want.
Forgotten weapons also would be nearly impossible to shill with because he only shows unobtainium. Yeah yeah Ian is probably a faggot and Karl is definitely a faggot, but he keeps that shit to himself when he's fingerfucking a pancor jackhammer and if that's not good enough for you, you're more of a wignat autist than me.
AVE has a handfull of gun videos, and is very anti shill and has explicitly told every to get adblock and told sponsors to go fuck off. He's kind of on the retarded side of the dunning-kruger spectrum, but I think its charming.
Paul Harrell doesn't shill, and he got away with killing dudes so I doubt he's sponsor-able.
Boogie1488 is a good guntoober, eh shoots warning shots into the air and doesn't afraid of anything.
If you want to really filter out the shills just search for whatever you want to look up and sort by new. The less views and shittier the camera quality the better.