>>2548307Yes I have an orange silnylon one. It's a popular choice, along with the trail star, for camping in exposed places. The current version of the cricket does need a longer trekking pole, otherwise you need to use a pole jack which Ron will send with the tent. The silnylon version is more verstile than the DCF version as you can pitch the beak lower. I haven't had the chance to use it much yet but so far the few over nighters I've done with it have impressed me.
>>2548761If you go walking around the south west learn what cryptobiotic soil looks like and don't step on it.
>>2548881a gpx can be handy even for a trailed route, for example planning distances, checking elevation etc. also all trails and similar sites, iirc, crawl the internet and basically snap up publically available gpx files.
>>2553818my gear weighs in at 6-8.5lbs depending on conditions, then add ~2lb per day for food, and ~2lb per liter how water. A three day load out in normalish 3 season conditions where I don't need to carry much water would weigh in at around ~12-15lbs
>>2553933>Why are ultra light f*gs so obsessed with weight?I mean it's in the name, if you weren't obsessed with pack weight they wouldn't be ultralight... for a small light bag is more fun to hike with. There is a massive case of diminishing returns under ~9lbs imo. under that it's less about reducing weight and more about simplfying your gear list.
>>2554214I met a guy who was living in his truck. He had solar panels and a star link connection. He works a tech job and was basically just cruising around the place setting up in a campsite for however long and working his normal hours. Seemed pretty cool.