>>1476611I appreciate the serious answer but I ain't got a chainsaw at home (I am 18, I live in my own flat but it's paid by my parents and away from my family home, garage and tools), test is tomorrow and the teacher tried to correct it before we felled the pine, I was cutting slices off 1,5m tall treestumps all morning. This isn't college by any means, I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I've botched high-school at 16 and I've been in this school for 1 year and a half or so, this is my second year and after two thirds in we go work (for free) as part of the qualifications. If I don't pass all subjects this trimester I won't be able to go do the third and also basically lose the year if I pass everything in june and then do the third in september. The problem here is that we didn't really have much time for chainsaw felling, we had some snow and so on and then a lot of days without class for different stuff. Ideally we would have had more days of felling. We did more dumb work like weedwhacking and cutting up already felled trees. There's like 9 people in my class and only like 2 of us who hadn't used a chainsaw before. I just hope I can get that cut leveled so that the teacher is content with the felling.
And anyway, I'm going to bed for a few hours so I can study for tomorrow's tests, hopefully I can get done with it quick and sleep a few hours tonight so I won't be retarded like right now tomorrow in the practice.
These pictures are taken from the school grounds by the way.
And thanks for the reply again.