>>517574 (continued)>>517551Figures. Yet another example of rationalizing a decision you've already arrived at due to unconscious, emotional processes.
>>517115Actually, this is an example of covering your own ass, not displaying personal responsibility (btw, I didn't notice any funds set aside to donate back to the SAR group to cover your own rescue costs.) Personal responsibility would involve curtailing your risk-taking activities to a more, what's the word, responisble level and not putting undue burden on your insurance company/employer/medical infrastructure by making them pay for you to go out and be stupid. Do you wear a helmet during any of this?
Risk homeostasis, a concept that you embody, means that instead of using new methods and devices to reduce your risk, you are maintaining the old level of risk by pushing yourself further and harder, exposing yourself to more and larger hazards. So when you made the decision to support things like PLB education classes, deposits, and activation fees/fines, it was based on a model derived from your own motivations/actions/history. So it's no wonder you think the majority of outdoor users are irresponsible, immature, emotionally charged children who need firm discipline and disincentives to keep them in line; that's your own mindset that you're projecting (get it, projecting?) onto everybody else!
I don't think that what some of the ideas that have been suggested would work for the bulk of recreational users, but I do think that they'd work on you.
And with that I'm off for a swim.
Pic unrelated.