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>had perfect teeth despite drinking soda everyday for years, eating mostly garbage and not brushing for weeks at a time (don't ask.)
>anon on another board got me interested in pipe smoking over two years ago and I figured it would be a good idea to keep my drinking down
>researched to find the health effects of pipe smoking and didn't find anything dental related surprisingly
>still, I at least make an effort to brush more regularly
>sometimes when I had good tobacco, the tar residue left a pleasant taste in my mouth so, on occasion, I'd let it linger for a couple of days
>knew that tobacco was anti-bacterial so I assumed the tar would be to (fucking stupid I know)
>started dipping (also don't ask) almost a year into it, so I make even more of an effort to brush at least once a day as well as Listerine but sometimes I'd come to from the bar with a friend and pass out
>after getting regular exercise I start to have more energy so I start brushing twice a day + listerine + flossing, literally better than ever
>fast forward almost a year later and decide to go to the dentist just for a check-up before my insurance runs out after not seeing one in over 5 years
>hit with 20+ cavities including the top front teeth, teeth have degraded to that of an 80-year-old in about a year
tl;dr: had perfect teeth and now they're really fucked up from what I suspect from smoking + not ideal dental hygiene.
Could this have been caused by anything else or did the smoking (+ not brushing twice daily) really fuck me over? I know not brushing daily is super disgusting and I realized that but by the time I did it was already far too late. My teeth were one of the few good qualities I had and I've just been feeling like I've been JUSTed hard.
If I knew it was caused also by other factors it would at least make me feel a little bit better about it