>>2774178you are right, he was basically a pleb who picked up a rifle and one book and decided he was just gonna "wing it"
which is exactly how one ends up dead like every other parent or group that takes this path
zero prep
zero practice
his story was made famous by city corporatists to spread fear to plebs of even trying
he exists today, just as his story then, to scare people into staying in the cities and urbs where its "safe"
existing only as demoralization propaganda, followed by thousands of propaganda movies about "evil cabin in woods" "Evil hillbillies in woods" "dont go to small towns in rural areas goy!"
"Those rednecks are inbred and gonna eat you goy"
"evil spirits goy"
"sniper in the hills!!"
"Mass murdering hicks!!!"
meanwhile in reality
>be polite>dont try to steal or do anything that would get you labelled a thiefand everything is fine.