>>1560183You can use the flat bottoms of glass beer/wine/vodka bottles or canning jars to practice on. You probably have a bottle or jar of dip somewhere I'm sure. Try with those before trying on something purchased. Other sources of glass can be table tops, where one has broken. Those are thick and you can produce some really nice big pieces with them. Some people use glass from CRT monitors, but that comes with chemical hazards you'd need to protect yourself from when sourcing them.
You could even melt your own glass down in a DIY furnace to make agate lumps to practice with. With that you can make swirl patterns in the glass using different colored bottle sources or whatever. You can also knap porcelain, so broken porcelain pottery, floor tiles, and better yet toilet sides and lid tanks can make for good practice and usable blades/spears/arrow heads.
As for the tools needed. You only need something to protect your hand/leg and something to apply pressure. Those can be a bath towel/folded washrag with hardwood twig, knife pommel, drill bit butt end, bend of coat hanger wire, screwdriver, nail, car keys, and so on.