>>1935142I spotted a sucker, about 12 inches long, sitting in shallow water so I snagged it to use as cutbait. I cut open the guts, and it had these absolutely massive tapeworms in it. I only knew they weren't a part of the guts because they kept wriggling around after taking them out.
>>1935143Trout are fun. Rainbows cruise the entire water column eating plankton and bugs most of the time so they pretty much can show up no matter how you are fishing. They jump constantly while fighting them. Browns tend to hug the bottom and act like walleye, but are more aggressive. They are a bit stronger, but jump less. Lakers are extremist brown trout, they only come out of deep (60+ ft) water around winter and will never jump. They don't fight much unless you get one over 5 or so pounds, then they can put up some runs but they tend to just try to dive and headshake.