>>1474633>Runners have respect for the trails typical running nigger, doesn't know a thing about conservation but has to audacity to claim they have """respect""" for nature
>pic relatedthats right runningniggers if you kick us fisherman out than Wiss will no longer be eligible for EPA funding under clean water act, since all the yuppies and suburban boomers have already banned swimming there (
https://www.fow.org/faq/), and the EPA doesn't pay money just to make a park look nice for cityfaggots
they already stopped fall trout stocking there because you insufferable faggots pushed us out, god I wish they would stop stocking the creek altogether so we can watch it turn to shit when the EPA gibs dries up. And then you will runningniggers and bikeniggers will complain when the friends of wissahickon boomer society proposes charging fees to use the park when you have only yourself to blame
if you want to see what will happen just look at tacony creek. I can't wait see the look on you yuppies faces once wissahickon turns to that, the devils pool already looks worse than tacony many days