>>360320My tiny home is a 22' RV
Pic related it's my 22' RV.
It's owned by my stepdad's company and parked on my stepdad's land. Total rent cost is 500$ between 2 people. We live within biking distance of a major city in Canada.
If i wanted to buy my own RV (10k probably for a 2004 model like this one) I could park it for 350$/mo a couple hours from here so we aren't really getting much "special treatment" living here.
An RV is very comfortable living, the only things we miss about apartment living are a dishwasher and laundry facilities.
The worst times to be in the RV are the dead of winter (it never gets below freezing here but it's still rainy and miserable) and the hottest days of summer. But if it gets really bad we have a space heater that heats up the whole place plus built in propane heating and air conditioning units that make the interior temperature comfortable in moments.
I have my little internet nook on the dining room table and there's still room to eat without having to move everything. I keep a small Shuttle computer in the overhead bin and use a nice big 25" LCD that doubles as a TV.
Septic is a little tricky - we don't poop in the RV otherwise we would have to worry about dumping the tank. We pee in the RV and let it run off into the lawn with the dishwater. Urine at a ration of 1:10 is actually very good for plants, better than miracle grow - you just don't want to overdo it. Pooping happens in the house or construction outhouse but since you only have to poop once or twice at most a day you can plan your day around taking a shit, it's not that hard.
I love to cook and have no problem whatsoever cooking all my meals in here. The oven in small so I can't fit a standard cookie sheet or America sized pizza but I have excellent cast iron skillet and pot that fit perfectly, so anything that fits in those can be cooked in the oven.
Stopping b/c I'm over comment limit. Questions I will answer