Quoted By:
>be 23 year old /fit//out/ me in the physical prime of my life
>take 10 day long trip through southeastern Utah redrock country in the middle of July
>all by my lonesome
>stay away from other human beans at all costs
>swear off all bathing and anything resembling hygiene
>start with 3 days hiking in and around Capitol Reef NP
>somewhat smelly
>next 3 days spent hiking and dicking around in Escalante/Grand Staircae
>getting very smelly during this portion of trip
>can actually smell my unwashed ass and balls
>feel pretty satisfied with uncleanliness
>I’m feeling a bit lonely and decide to spend the next 3 days in Bryce Canyon
>full of 1000’s of dumb normie types
>still refuse any and all personal hygiene
>I’ve only changed my socks twice and underwear once
>spend first day hiking 20 miles in most popular hiking areas of park
>laugh as people avoid my stank ass
>children cry from the smell as they pass me
>visit the general store to find me some beanie weenie for dinner
>people gagging as I walk by them
>yuppie rich bitch starts telling me how bad I smell
>yells at the store clerk to have me removed
>grab my beanie weenie and head back to camp site
>feeling proud of myself
>back at campsite eating beanie weenie and listening to tunes
>park ranger stops by
>keeps a safe distance
>says he’s had complaints of a smelly homeless man harassing visitors in the general store
>tell him I know nothing of this smelly homeless man
>ranger hands me a handful of tokens to use in the showers
>tells me I smell like death and walks away chuckling
I hiked for two more days and then headed home. Didn’t shower til I got home. It was one of my best /out/ings I’ve ever had in my life.