>>1977141I've never kept bees but I do plan to once I get some of my pasture restored and I was originally thinking of getting a flow hive, but that article makes a lot of sense, especially in the argument for the bees making their own combs due to how 'in tune' they are with the wax and how it could potentially make a bunch of misinformed people with good intent.
When you think of honey the same way you think of the commercialized meat industry, it put into perspective how the convenience of the flowhive could basically just churn out a bunch of ignorant consumers who are doing it with good intentions, but don't have the respect for the bees due to just 'turn crank recieve honey'. You stop throwing away your last few bites of burger and fries when you spend three years raising the beef and your potatoes turned to mush because of a lot of rain one year.