>>2171392So here's what I mean and why I go for flavour, quality and to a degree rareness over just calories per square foot. I love fruit, and the fruits I love the most tend to be berries. They're so delicious and flavour packed as well as being super dense in nutrients. This is a good example of my typical dessert through berry season where the specific ones change, but there are abundant ones from late May to September then lessening but taken over by fall fruit like pears and grapes (which are kinda like berries).
Anyways, when the season is in I eat a big bowl of fruits and berries pretty much every evening. Sometimes plain, often with yogurt, today with some ice cream cause I'm taking a pic and feeling sassy. I fucking love fruit and this is often one of the highlights of my day. But to the point, if I wanted to eat this quantity and quality of berries it would be crazy expensive to not even possible without growing them myself. Going by grocery store prices here the berries in just this bowl would be 10-15 bucks. Which is like 300 a month, and that's just on dessert! Not the containers I give to neighbors, jellies, crumbles, crisps etc and I'm always left with a freezer full by fall anyways.
That's why great as potatoes, squash and onions are I don't bother with them as much. Except patty pans. Holy fuck I feel like no one else either knows how or bothers to grow them.