>>2532255https://www.amazon.com/Bushcraft-Advanced-Trapping-Gathering-Cooking/dp/1507206690/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=This is meant to be pretty good, the guy who wrote it, Dave Canterbury, was on a survival show called Dual Survival, he teaches survival skills. Some people say the books aren't good for more than beginner knowledge, but the book on trapping and skinning is kind of a unique book, not a lot on the subject.
The best survival handbook is the one you write yourself. There is a difference between knowledge and real world application. Sure, you can memorize a book that TELLS you how to do a bowstring fire, but you actually have to practice and get it to work before you can really say you "know how to". Better than books I'd say is just any old youtube video, and then go out in your driveway and try it yourself