Welcome brother.
First of all I cannot in good conscience recommend doing 3 days for your first trip if you have literal ZERO skills. would recommend a simple overnight trip first.
Thankfully you said you are going this summer, so we have lots of time to prepare.
However if you are going to lets try and get you ready.
First of all lets talk initial Planning.
For the love of god please have a detailed plan of your trip. Print off a map of the area, mark where you ideally want to go. Give a copy to someone with the dates of your trip and when you will be returning so if worst comes to worst someone can find you,
get a WATERPROOF map and a compass and learn to use them to minimize your chances of getting lost.
now I will ask you what if any gear you have now?
anything you think you will take with you.
Backpack, Knife, shelter, sleeping bag, water bottle. Just give us a big fucking list.
then we can figure out where to go next.
as for some Youtubers I watch a few.
https://www.youtube.com/user/MCQBushcraft MCQBushcraft is a favourite, very informative but might sound a little monotone and rambly at times. however literally every one of his videos will be extremely useful for you to watch and learn the skills.
https://www.youtube.com/user/Taromovieshttps://www.youtube.com/user/AlfieAestheticshttps://www.youtube.com/user/josephallen19all 3 of these guys also make enjoyable and informative videos. If you like the /out/doors you will enjoy watching em.
Pic related is an okay starter guide to gear, mainly the left column checklist is a good starting point.
but if you reply with your current gear and thoughts, so I know you are here. I will help out some more and type a fucking essay for you so you dont die.