>>1593881>eventual cannibalism>>1599060>>1599166>starvingI like a good STALKER larp as much as the next guy, but I'm going to throw this out there, if you live in America you're not going to go hungry. Period.
The US throws away more than 38 million tons of food every year. That’s the weight of 100 Empire State Buildings, with obvious excess.
American companies even dominate the food export market. (The Netherlands is in 2nd place with 35% less exports than America) The US has been the world's largest exporter of food for a very long time thanks to an increasingly productive farming sector.
In fact much of what is grown on American farms never gets to market.
Normally, if farmers were having trouble selling their crops, they'd simply pay to store the grain- but because there is a backlog of crops and less available storage room, the cost can be as much as twice or three times as expensive for storage as in previous years. ALL OF OUR STORAGE IS FULL.
(And about $835 million of the government's $12 billion aid package has been paid out to farmers to support them during the trade dispute with China.)
Also there is no lack of employment in most major cities (there's plenty of shit jobs, and they'll always be there, as well as plenty blue collar jobs.) I can't speak for other nations, but the US is well established with infrastructure and production.
The only SHTF that would come about would be by mass natural disaster(s). That or an invasion on US shores (unlikely). Either one of those RARE scenarios would create upheaval.
If you live in another nation, good luck.