>>2470355>"people like this," pic related>complains that motor vehicle didn't drop them off as close to their Outdoor Adventure Experience™ as possible>rental boots (lmao)>complains that a water hike is wet and treacherous>complains that water "smelled like sewage" (translation: has never smelled a stream or river before)>still takes pic to brag about the trip they hated on social media, that was the point after all: to be seen doing itI'm so glad this thread was posted. I'm now browsing the Redditor outdoors subreddits for the sheer entertainment value and finding EXACTLY the kind of wimpy tourists I expected. It's a bunch of useless (sub)urbanites who hate to leave their air-conditioned drywall boxes for even one picosecond, and only endure it so that people online will think they're outdoorsy.
Everyone ITT who's in the "I fucking love glamping" camp, this applies to you. I recommend heading on over to REI to buy some expensive shit you'll barely use. This will show those poors who's boss and reaffirm that you're, like, totally real outdoorsmen.