let me explain....
They are great in that they let you set a pot up on a level surface and keep the heat from coals focussed. the TI version I have is feather light too
ok, here comes the bad. because the combustion space is so small you have to keep feeding the damn thing constantly and because the hole to push fuel into is so small you have to use pretty small, fast burning fuel. fuel too, because you're burning small stuff constantly you don't get the drying effect if you're using larger not 100% dry wood and it gets smoky as fuck.
Yes you can use it with an alcohol stove, or solid chemical fuel
of the types of flat packing stove, I'd suggest looking at a Honey stove ( I have a SS version of this) as it can handle bigger fuel so you don't get stuck having to tend the fire constantly.
I do like it, but really you can cook on a fire just as easily with a little though abut what you're doing