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>get into UFO and Skinwalker research during Covid due to boredom
>2 years later have entire reams of research on shadow people, oversized dogs/dog-like humanoids, lost time, lights and craft in the woods
Recently I watched "411: The Hunted" and I think the guy who made it is on to something. Apparently most of his research is shit according to reddit sleuths but the last 2 episodes of the season stand out to me, b/c they are exactly what some anons describe. First is an ep with guys innawoods in deep Oregon who describe strange hominids hooting at them and throwing rocks in a certain valley on certain nights. They also mention glowing orbs and objects hovering in the pines.
The final ep is the most interesting. "Half invisible" Predator style creature sighted by an old hunter lady, she lost time and her phone's data was meddled with. Close to that time, a UFO was seen by football players at a nearby high school.
People laugh at concept like the bigfoot, skinwalkers, and UFOs. But I dunno man. There's something out there and it's not "people." And it's not a civilization or alien species visiting us. Feels more creepy and inter-dimensional, like other timelines or realities crossing over with ours.
Don't know if there's anything to it, but so many of these accounts are so similar. Military and Air Force often see weird things too, in isolated places. Like the USS Nimitz "Tic Tac" incident. Really fun stuff to google and learn about, if a little creepy.
The phenomenon of single-sighting weird shit is called "high strangeness" apparently. The more you know. It just reinforces for me the wonders of going /out/--I feel like sometimes you might bump into something that's been around on this earth longer than humans have. Because the one uniting feature of these phenomena is, they like to spook you. Like you're prey. And that's the behavior of something that knows our species very well. And has been around for a while.