>>2161076Sure, no one is perfect. The books he wrote obviously did more for the eco movement than any petty sabotage. What he wrote about the consequences of damming and the flooding of Glen Canyon really stuck with me and illustrates just how easily humans can permanently fuck up nature even with alleged "good intentions". His chosen form of resistance was first a polemical call to action before any acts that would get his readers vanned (Abbey was also monitored by the feds his whole life lol). Childish coping can become effective with a large enough group of people doing it, look at community resistance to deforestation projects and similar, hell just showing up to a city hall hearing with enough people can change the course of any "infrastructure" project threatening nature. Eco-resistance is a spectrum, and there's lots of room for action between trendy noneffectual ecoconsumerism and hardcore ALF B&E shit and the like.