Save up money and travel. Don't aim to be a bum. As long as you look clean and don't come off as a deranged crack addict (aka you look homeless), you will have a good time. Look up volunteering for hostels. Very easy way to get poon too. I had gf's everytime I was doing it, but if I was single back then I could have fucked a lot. You can also volunteer on farms with helpx, etc. Just get a good deal that is no more than 20 hours of easy work per week for accomodation and food. Best volunteering experience I had was in Dublin where I did less than 16 hours weekly, mostly buying milk or cleaning out empty parts of building on my own and in my own pace. On farmsteads, etc. the accomodation is most often private room or even a seperate house, but in hostels it's typically shared. Benefit with hostels is that they're in relevant cities and it is easy to stay at a hostel, work part time there and do something like waiting tables somewhere else part time for cash-in hand to save up. Ignore all the tards saying you shouldn't do this because you'll somehow magically wind up being a homeless bum. Be a drifter, not a random bum. Look into getting a good backpack. This website is useful if you ever hitchhike (safe thing to do, fuck trainhoppign unless you really want the experience):'s loads of ways to travel with very little and to enjoy yourself. Hope you are still around to read this, but don't give up on life just because you're in a shit spot. Go and do what you want to.