>>1601564I wouldn't describe them having a voracious appetite seeing as they rarely exceed 16". A fish over 2' is approaching state record size.
The bounty program is in place because they utilize the giant pools created by the damns on the columbia to hammer hatchery fish paid for by the Bonnevile Power Administration and its cheaper to have a bounty on them then it is to lose a hundred hatchery fish.
They may compete at times, but so do whitefish, suckers, bulltrout, and cutthroats. We going to start killing those "native" fish too?
I see Fisherman killing them and tossing them bankside up North even though the habitat hasn't been as physically altered. Its Bull Trout all over again desu.
>There used to be a bounty for Bull trout. The native bull trout was once considered to bea predator of other “more desirable” game fish species, so harvest was encouraged and bounties were paid to
remove the bull trout.