>>1984765GSPs dominate the NAVDHA game. They make up like 50% of my chapter. I would have gotten one, but Viszlas are just so damn handsome. I do the NAVDHA thing as a way to keep my dog sharp in the off season. I look at it as a bar to aspire towards and as a community to network with.
>>1984766I’ve also heard that Vs can be soft. I didn’t get that. I’ve shocked my dog on full power and watched him twitch as he chased a rabbit till it went to ground. Thankfully I’ve broke him of that habit, and now points every thing. I had a pro-trainer who was impressed enough with my dog to tell me that this will be the dog that I judge all others against. Which is great cause I got my dog from a backyard breeder who just wanted to make some money off of their Vs.
>how does your V range?In open prairie he works out to 200 yards. In the woods he works closer. And he will check in with me about every 2 minutes. Yesterday I went scaled quail hunting, I walked 6 miles and he did 18, he covers massive ground.
Idk why everyone say the Drahthaar is the chad of the versatile dog world.