>>1097650>>1097647>>1097641>>1097638> 5: glue on the back side of the eyes so it holds the eyes in place and the hair down> 6: wrap back to the start of the bend, then back up to the eyes. careful not to fuck up your legs7: snip a bigger clump of deer hair, dont strip any shorts out, only longs, then measure and tie in as before, but only wrap back to the eyes, cont. in step 8
> 8: tie in the hair like a clouser minnow> 9: take 3 strands of krystal flash, loop them around your bobbin, and tie them in on the side with one wrap of thread> 9.25: leg go of the bundle so you have 3 strands pointing foreward and 3 pointing back, then take 3 wraps to secure this> 9.5: wrap the remaining krystal flash under the hook, then tie it in on the far side> 9.75: take wraps to secure it like this and cover the exposed flash, whip finish a few times> 10: snip the krystal flash off at the back edge of the hair, then snip one off 1/3 of the way down, then one off 2/3 of the way down. repeat on the other side, this makes it flashier in the body then thins the flash with the hair> 10/5 snip the rubber legs a little longer than the deer hair, seperate them from eachother, and head cement the exposed thread wraps plus the bucktail on the underside of the eyesthats it. let it dry and youre ready to fish. the hard part really is getting the rubber legs tied in.