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#2 shark fishing story
>on pier at 11pm (very dark, barely lit by moonlight)
>all grown ass salty mexican and haitian men fishing
>the haitians were chill
>I'm now a highschool, he is partway through college
>he has a $800 dollar shark fishing rig setup
>we are good for the first hour and then some undocumenteds started getting a little to close to our stuff
>they weren't even fishing or watching us fish
>just sizing up our stuff
>under his breath, brother says to me that these beaners are getting a little too close
>a large fat drunk adult beaner heard this and starts posturing up for a fight
>I discretely have a bowie knife on me and my brother has a large folding knife on his persons that he covertly unfolds
>they start closing in on us
>his two amigos start sizing up as well
>I really thought I was going to have to knife a bunch of illegals that night
>eventually after a tense standoff with both parties staring down for a minute, just two feet away.
>One mexican starts saying to the other beaners in slurred spanish, "they are not worth it, don't do it"
>eventual when they realized we weren't going to be an easy fight
>they sleuthed away as we watch them completely leave the pier
>He saved their lives; cause we were going to stand our ground, and stab them in their necks. Noway I'm going to risk a "fair fight" against a bunch of mexicans on a dark pier, with dangerous waters surrounding us, AND with us being outnumbered by one, AND by grown men versus young kids
>needless to say, we were expecting an ambush in the parking lot, so we had our knifes drawn
>end of story