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Well /out/ the dream is over. I'm now back at home. It is utterly bizarre considering how eventful the last three months have been to be back in my room with my bed.
It's kind of crazy it all started with pic related. When I got a advance on my first neetbux payment but they mistakenly paid in two payments so I decided to book flights to NYC that night. I'm still not sure why I decided New York but I did it mindful that if I wanted to, it would be a great place to start hitchhiking because I had been researching ways to travel for cheap and figured if I wanted to see the states this was the only way I could although i wasn't actually confident enough to think I would go through with it but thanks to some advice and encouragement from you guys on /out/ I did and I have to thank you all for it. Shout out to beppu and special shout out to van anon, I used that blanket for the rest of my trip and still have it.