>>2516255> we know that hiking is a different activity than camping.There is nothing wrong with his English, hiking is the act of long distance walking in the countryside, and as anon said; if you're going on a hike you
>want foods with high shelf life at room tempBoth hiking and camping can have qualifiers in the sentence like camping in the backyard vs camping in the woods or on skidrow, or hiking all over town though common use says we all know hiking is done on a trail and camping is done in nature unless otherwise stated.
You can use more specific terms like Tramping, Bushwalking, Rambling, Fellwalking, Mountaineering, Trekking, Climbing, Backpacking or Bushwhacking which all imply the location and style.
But having a whinge about common use of a common word on an Indonesian fingerbox carving forum as if nobody can understand is cringe enough without adding
>OnLy In ThE uS, wHeRe We SoMeHoW mAnAgEd To GrAsP tHe EnGlIsH lAnGuA... shut the fuck up