>>1486097Very nice! My tomatillo seedlings are already starting to form flowers.
>>1486113Just a local snail species. They aren't very large. Only like 20mm wide. I'd love to have little grays or big whites, those are massive, but shipping them across state lines requires Homeland Security involvement and a special building specifically for them. Some people already have them all over the place as invasive species, like in California.
>>1486105If you do end up using the treated stuff for gardening, make sure to take time to scrub it down. That's actually on the little label on the board. It will get rid of most of the problem if any.
>>1486114If you have the recipe correct, they are easy to make. There's no need for extra seed trays like those with the cells. Thus it costs less.
>>1486125Paul Stamets' books for mycoremediation are pretty good. There's an anon-created guide on beginner mushroom growing in the OP pastebin. As well as lots of other fungi/mushroom information and links to books on the subject in the main pastebin. Some of Paul's methods, like those of combining wood chip mulch beds inoculated with Garden Giant mushroom, for food and honey bee hive health, are pretty good from a permaculture perspective.