>>2319832Part A
This is good. But because you're using a large savotta you should optimise some of the heavy tools down. I scribbled orange over the things I would outright abandon or replace with alternatives. I'll say why soon. The things in purple you should put into a water proof dry bag just like the clothes. It will help oranise them in the large savottas bucket. You don't want too many little items loose in a bag.
So heres what I'd suggest -
The large medical can go, if you don't have load bearing extras or firearms you don't need a secondary first aid deal. So scale that right back.
The Axe is small and fresh, but also dangerous to use at that size and worth replacing. If you want something to cut wood with, get a small folding saw with some repute. Bahco or silky meme is fine.
Lots of ready meals. Nice!, so you don't need a folding mess kit + jetboil mug + canteen cup + secondary mess. Leave the GI one at least, they are a pain in the ass to clean rapidly and with those meals you can rehydrate them in the kidney cup or the JB. Having two vessels to boil water in is good, but cooking is a different story. You might want to consider something for say, non rehydrating meals. Cooking systems are complex and personal. With what you have there, I would take just the jetboil and the canteen cup because that's very conveniant. Water boil and a meal prep container. Very good. You have a knife so probably just take the fork and spoon. You have 3 water bottles and one bladder, Fill the bladder and drop the pair of bottles if you can, it will be easier to drink on the move. Always retain a clean container that you can refill the bladder sterile style with. I would suggest replacing that peice of shit life straw with some purification tablets. You can then fill your bladder and dump tabs in it and not have to boil, stop and prep or suck water into it. Just an idea. Always have a knife. Keep the knife. Knife is good. Fuck anyone who says you don't need a knife.