>>2531713>>2531724> > You need gun, may I suggest the Ruger LCR?> Pure survival you want a ruger 22lr takedown with magpul stock. Anon bought a basic survival bug-out bag for a situation where he might need to bail out of his home for a while but where services will eventually be back up and running, something like Hurricane Katrina or an earthquake in California.
We're not talking about Mad Max post-apocalyptic conditions fighting off zombie biker gangs and hunting for food inna woods, what's needed is a small, light and reliable handgun for fending off a ni... looter criminal and avoid being arrested by the cops at a road block for carrying a large and awkward to pack rifle.
>>2531745> Hammerless wheelguns are a sin. Just buy a semi-auto.Small, light, easy to shoot, (a wife/girlfriend might need to use it) reasonably priced (mine was $400) and reliable is what's needed and revolvers fit the bill.