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>Im going hunting tomorrow night, and right now I have been given a garmin rino 530HCx (on its own, no box) and its charger. Thats it.
>How do I even get started with this? Is there a list of basic software I need to download?
One day to become familiar with GPS nav is ... not gonna happen. Play around with it as a toy, but don't depend on it for navigation till you figure out how to use it.
You'll want a mapset of your choice on the µSD card. I like CityNav for everything but snowmobiling, where I switch to topo. Main reason being that i'm more interested in terrain than roads, since over-the-snow vehicles aren't restricted to road travel. CityNav is full of useful POI's, and includes damn near every highway to goat trail in its database.
On the computer... Google Earth, LoadMyTracks or EasyGPS, and a text editor. GPX and KML are just xml files, they're not too hard to figure out.
Manuals are available for download on the internet.
>The garmin does not have an SD card inside, so i just cleared data from an old microsd (8GB) and popped that in.
Which is a great start. Turn on "Log tracks to datacard". The main purpose of the µSD card is to store additional maps.
You can boot it into Mass Storage mode, but that just makes it function as an expensive card reader. Get a tool like EasyGPS or LoadMyTracks to push and pull data from it.
If you search for "setting up a garmin 76 60 gps" you'll find a good guide. The operation of the 530 is similar enough to the 60/76.