looks like my thread turned out better than expected
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9tr64RcnNM>>2010991i'm a painter and i fucking love that shit. /beg/s have great enthusiasm and everything is still exciting for them. with skating it's the same, remember how fucking cool you felt the first time you actually got the board to flip or when you finally got the courage to drop in on the big bowl? doing a sketchy ass noseslide on some 4 stair that scared the shit out of you. that's the fucking best
>>2010838skateboarding is about reclaiming the sprawl anon. it belongs to us.
>>2011524if you have really small feet it might be weird. but you can learn to ride on anything. it's gonna be hard either way
>>2011551chinavirus created a new influx of lady fruitbooters. hot is still up in the air