>>2025203Work on your reading comprehension
>>2025213>>2025224I'm afraid you misunderstand me. You're right that many modern jeans are a different weight (and often made of an elastic blend) than denim work pants of the past. However, independent of the cut and fit, pure denim --by its nature-- is made by largely the same material (just cotton) in largely the same organization of the warp and weft. It's been this way since its inception. Which brings us to the crux of this discussion: its place outdoors. Its excellent in any environment where you can take it off at the end of the day, knowing full well it will be dry by the time you don it next. However, when put in comparison to other fabric options its slower to dry, chafes more , and loses virtually all insulating properties. The phrase "cotton kills" is a bit of a misnomer, more specifically "wet cotton kills". If not mitigated (thermals, hardshell, ect) than ling term denim can become a liability to the wearer.