>>372577My hair is around 30-32 inches long and I currently have a full beard, but normally trim it to a goatee and mustache, which I'll be doing this week sometime. I keep my hair in a pony tail using "scunci no damage" elastic hair ties. They are flat so they don't roll when you take them off and don't end up breaking hair doing that motion. They don't have metal on them to catch and break hair either. I use two as one and they also last for many months. A 12 pack will last me about 3 years or more. If I need more control, I wear an oversized do-rag (even a dish cloth or shirt) or tuck it down the back of my shirt.
I rarely ever wear it down. When it is hot and I need to keep it off my neck I'll add a second set of hair ties about 3 inches further out from the ones tied close to my head. This makes the pony tail arch out further and stay off my body better for air flow. Or, I'll wet down the do-rag.