Quoted By:
/out/ is a board to discuss not only outdoors things but also any other topic from any other board as long as it is appended with "while /out/" or something like that.
We talk about /v/ideo games while out. We talk about /a/utos while out. We talk about the /pol/itics of things while out. We talk about movies and /tv/ while out. We talk about our fun /lgbt/ times while we were out. We talk about /g/adgets while out. We talk about out /fa/shion. We talk about, although never accept, the /sci/ence of harmless aluminium while out.
Anyways your questions.
>1. What does this board mean to you?
It's one of my daily websites I check. A far less serious outdoors board where there is some valuable information sometimes and bullshit (usually) gets called out in ways suiting anonymity.
>2. What was an important event in this board's history?
I couldn't name one off the top of my head. An old tripfag used to save lives though. (pic related)
>3. Optional misc
see above