>>342006Right on! Do you have a recommended brand/make/place for the pool repair kits? I admit I was looking into pool repair patch kits earlier this year because I have an outdoor mini greenhouse/cold frame (picture related) that has a PVC-ish like cover with holes and I couldn't find a replacement cover for it. The area of the holes for the greenhouse cover (in square feet) exceeded the amount of patch material they sold in the kit with the 'most' patch material. The best one I found was ~$7 but I needed to buy 3 boxes of it to fix all the holes in that greenhouse and for $30, I could essentially buy a brand new greenhouse (complete with a new cover) for that price (though, I sanded down the rust and put weather/rust resistant paint on mine and spent a bit of money to restore it better than a brand new one would have) since the come out of the box with a cheap paint job and easily would rust so I was torn on that.
If theres a great brand or place to get those pool patch kits (I don't have a pool so I don't know whats good or bad or if there are brands/companies to stay away from vs ones to definitely go to), I'd love to know! Thanks again.